Sepik Rainbow (Glossolepis Multisquamatus)

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Sepik Rainbow
Bilimsel Adı
Glossolepis Multisquamatus
Yeni Gine,
Omnivor(Etçil ve Otçul)
Her türlü ticari yem ile beslenebilir.Dondurulmuş kankurdu ile ek beslenme yapılabilir.Karma tanklarda beslenebilir.Diğer erkek rainbowlara karşı saldırgan bir tutum sergileyebilir.Geniş bir yüzme alanı bırakılmalı, akvaryum bu balıkların saklanabileceği yerler oluşturularak dekore edilmelidir.
25C - 30C
Maksimum   Boy
16 cm
Erkekler dişilere göre daha parlak renklidir. 
Üretimi zor değildir.Yumurta yayarak ürerler.Üreme tankında  2 erkek 3 veya daha fazla sayıda dişi olarak bakılmalıdır.Yumurtlama olayından sonra veliler kaldırılmalıdır.1 haftalık süre içerisinde yavrular yumurtadan çıkarlar.

Ana renkler
Kırmızı, Turuncu, Siyah

Common Names:
Sepik Rainbowfish




; New Guinea .Sepik river.

Main Ecosystem:
River; Moderate to slow flowing river

Peaceful; Although this still qualifies as a peaceful fish suitable for community, among its conspecifics in rainbow communities this is a large, vigorous fish capable of dominating other species easily. This is not entirely based on aggression so much as extreme display tactics and sexual promiscuity. Females may be remorselessly persued , and smaller males will be chased off. Known to spar with kutubu rainbows,   boesmanii rainbows, and new guinea red rainbows, though it ignores other species like splendids and regals. Does not limit its courtship or sexual promiscuity to its own species in community.

Ominvore; All the usual flake, pellet and granular foods will be eagerly accepted, perticularly fond of livefoods such as any type of midge or mosquito larvae. Glassworms , blackworms and bloodworm should all be included in the diet for maximum vigour and breeding conditioning.

As a river fish the Sepik rainbow appreciates a little current and high oxygenation. A well decorated and planted aquarium with open swimming areas is preferred. Has no real need for shelter however and is a truly spectacular display fish. Water quality must be of at least   average standard though this is by no means the most sensitive rainbowfish as regards water quality. As with most rainbowfish this species is vulnerable to mycobacterium infections, and good quarantine must be observed, particularly when aquiring wild specimens. Adult specimens are fast moving, and constantly swimming fish requiring an aquarium of at least four feet in width.

7 - 8

25°C - 30°C

77°F - 86°F

10 dH - 20 dH

Potential Size:
Male: 16.5cm (6.5")
Female: 15.2cm (6")

Water Region:
Middle; Middle to surface dwelling fish

Diurnal; Very active fish, especially immediately after dawn.

This is a sexually dimorphic species , males are far more vivid than females who are a silvery iridescent hue. Males are highly variable in colouration from yellows, oranges, and reds through to blacks and greys with green iridescence in areas. Males have lighter colour "blazes" from the top of the head to the dorsal fin, ranging from white to bright yellows and oranges when in breeding condition. Both species have a dark indistict stripe down the lateral midbody, although females are even less distinct.Juveniles are paler than adult males, looking rather like females at first glance.

Easy to breed thanks to its promiscuous nature, at least two males and a three or more females are ideal for breeding. A stable shoal will give the best results as a strict social heirachy is enforced. Only dominant animals will have the opportunity to mate. Males will spar and display while females watch in the mornings. Females will lead males to planted areas and a "shimmy" between the two sexes will result in egg fertilisation over greenery. Egg hatching times are variable from a few days to over a week. Eggs and fry are usually removed to prevent the adults from predating on them in captivity. Young can be raised on all the usual tiny foods, liquifry and decapsulated brineshrimp cysts. Breeding may take place throughout the year. Sexual maturity can be reached in around 4 months.

There is a certain amount of controversy surrounding the variability of this species, so much so that it has been suggested that a reclassification of the species might be necessary. The author has provided a photographic example of the primary canditate for archetypal identification, although a slighter bodied, more silver variant with reticulation patterns on the fins is favoured by some. This is a difficult fish to positively identify, even among rainbowfish officionados.

One of the most splendid rainbowfish species. Stronger, bigger, more vigorous and more colourful than most , at its full maturity this is an impressive display fish. It is often unidentified in retailers and simply labeled "melanotaenia" and offered at bargain prices. A good opportunity to pick up an excellent fish for those in the know.

Main Colours:
Orange, Red, Black

Striped Horizontal



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