Ortak İsim | Parkinson Rainbow |
Bilimsel Adı | Melanotaenia Parkinsoni |
Dağıtım | Avusturalya, Yeni Gine |
Beslenme | Omnivor(Etçil ve Otçul) |
Mizaç | Barışçı |
Bakım | Her türlü ticari yem ile beslenebilir.Haftada bir kankurdu gibi canlı yem takviyesi yapılabilir.Güzel ve etkileyici bir turuncu renge sahiptir.Özellikle akvaryumunuza vuracak güneş ışığının balığın rengini daha çekici hale getireceğini görmeniz mümkündür.Atlama eğilimi olduğundan, akvaryumlarda kapak şarttır.Karma akvaryumlar için ideal bir balıktır. |
PH | 7.5-8.0 |
Sıcaklık | |
Maksimum Boy | |
Cinsiyet | Erkekler dişilere göre daha parlak renklidir.Dişiler daha küçük bir yapıya sahiptir ve renkleri daha mattır. |
Üretim | Üretimi zor değildir.Yumurta yayarak ürerler.Üreme tankında 2 erkek 3 veya daha fazla sayıda dişi olarak bakılmalıdır.Yumurtlama olayından sonra veliler kaldırılmalıdır.1 haftalık süre içerisinde yavrular yumurtadan çıkarlar.Yavrular ilk aşamada infusoria ile beslenebilir. |
Varyansları | |
Ana renkler | Gümüş, Turuncu, Sarı |
Common Names: | Parkinson's Rainbowfish |
Synonyms: |
Family: | Melanotaeniidae |
Category: | Rainbowfish |
Distribution: | Australia; Papua New Guinea between the Kemp River and Milne Bay |
Main Ecosystem: | River; River |
Temperament: | Peaceful; and schooling |
Diet: | Ominvore; Will happily take all major flake and granular foods intended for tropical fish. Like most rainbowfish the parkinsons rainbow enjoys all types of midge and mosquito larvae. Not a fussy feeder. |
Care: | Not too demanding, if given the proper requirements. Very hardy. Should be kept in schools of at least two males to several females to show their best colors and activity. This fish can get to |
pH: |
Temperature: |
Hardness: |
Potential Size: | Male: 15cm (5.9") Female: 15cm (5.9") |
Water Region: | Middle, Surface; but will frequent all areas of the aquarium |
Activity: | Diurnal; Diurnal |
Gender: | As with most Rainbows, the males have a longer first dorsal fin that will over lap the second, where as the female’s will not. The male, with age, also has the sloped and notched forehead, with an increased deeper body. Females are also smaller than the males. The females are mostly all silver, with the males sporting the yellow or orange blotches of color. |
Breeding: | There is no difficulty in breeding these fish. As if you have a male and female, they are most likely going to breed. They are very prolific, and will breed readily in most water parameters. The problem lies in the raising of the fry. The fry are very small, and grow slowly. They require large amounts of very small foods, and very clean water. Start the fry off with infusoria or vinegar eels. The parents will eat the eggs, and subsequent fry, so a separate fry tank will be needed fo |
Variants: |
Comments: | There are several varieties among these fish. The level of coloration of the male differs without explanation. Some may have only the caudal fin and the later part of the dorsal and anal fin with color. While other males will be three fourths colored up. It is not clear as to the reason for this, as it will be different in all fry from the same brood. And, the females will breed with all color forms, without distinction. There are also, two different color morphs of this fish. One bei |
Main Colours: | Silver, Orange, Yellow |
Markings: | Not Specified |
Mouth: | Normal |
Tail: | Forked |
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