Ortak İsim | Bantlı Rainbow |
Bilimsel Adı | Melanotaenia Trifasciata |
Dağıtım | Avusturalya |
Beslenme | Omnivor(Etçil ve Otçul) |
Mizaç | Barışçı |
Bakım | Karma tanklar için ideal bir balıktır.Bitkili akvaryumlarda saldırgan olmayan tetra türleri ve melek balıkları ile beslenebilir.Akvaryumlarda 2 erek 5 dişi şeklinde bakılmalıdır.Yaprak yemler ezilerek verilebilir.Salamura karides, kankurdu ile beslenmeye takviye yapılmalıdır.Su düzeyleri dikkatle takip edilmeli, kısmi su değişiklikleri sıkça yapılmalıdır.Nitrata aşırı duyarlı bir balıktır.Kötü su koşullarında ağız ve dudakta mantar enfeksiyonları en bilinen hastalığıdır.Oldukça ürkektir.Ezilmiş yaprak yemler, kurutulmuş salamura karides ve su piresi ile beslenebilir.Kısmi su değişiklikleri özenle yapılmalıdır. |
PH | 6.5-8.0 |
Sıcaklık | |
Maksimum Boy | |
Cinsiyet | Erkeklerde sırt yüzgeci önünde, bir uzun sırt yüzgeç daha vardır.Özellikle çiftleşme döneminde erkekler parlak renkli olur. |
Üretim | Üretimi kolaydır.Yumurta yayarak ürerler.Uygun su parametreleri ile üretimi hiç zor değildir.Yumurtlamadan sonra veliler tanktan çıkarılmalıdır.Her ne kadar çiftleşme ve yumurtlama kolay olsa da yavruların bakımı için özel ilgi gerekir.Yavrular, çok temiz su koşullarında bakılmalı ve ilk aşamada İnfusoria ile beslenmelidir. |
Varyansları | |
Ana renkler | Kırmızı, Altın, Siyah |
Common Names: | Banded Rainbow Jewel Rainbow Regal Rainbow |
Synonyms: | Rhombosoma trifasciata |
Family: | Melanotaeniidae |
Category: | Rainbowfish |
Distribution: | Australia; distribution across the northern parts of Australia |
Main Ecosystem: | River; clear flowing water |
Temperament: | Peaceful; and schooling |
Diet: | Ominvore; Accepts all flake and granular foods for use with tropical fish, especially fond of bloodworm, blackworm, and glassworm. Overfeeding of bloodworm, and exclusive live feedings without the vitamin balance of artificial foods however , tends to cause ill health in this species, including darkening colour associated with hepatic lipidosis, and general obesity. A balanced approach to feeding must be taken. |
Care: | While tolerating average water values, this fish is susceptible to high nitrates and will suffer repeated fungal infection particularly on the mouth and lips if water changes are not regularly performed. While these infections are rarely serious , and can be easily treated, it is better to prevent them with clean water. Should be kept in schools of at least two males to several females to show their best colors and activity. This fish can get to |
pH: |
Temperature: |
Hardness: |
Potential Size: | Male: 15cm (5.9") Female: 15cm (5.9") |
Water Region: | Middle, Surface; mostly, but will travel the entire regions of the aquarium |
Activity: | Diurnal; Diurnal |
Gender: | As with most Rainbows, the males have a longer first dorsal fin that will over lap the second, where as the female’s will not. The male also has the sloped and notched forehead, where as the female’s will be continuous. |
Breeding: | There is no difficulty in breeding these fish. As if you have a male and female, they are most likely going to breed. They are very prolific, and will breed readily in most water parameters. The problem lies in the raising of the fry. The fry are very small, and grow slowly. They require large amounts of very small foods, and very clean water. Start the fry off with infusoria or vinegar eels. The parents will eat the eggs, and subsequent fry, so a separate fry tank will be needed fo |
Variants: |
Comments: | One of the most beautiful of all the Rainbows. This fish is also one of the more confusing of all the Rainbows, as it comes from many different places in the country. It sports a variety of color differences from these different areas as well, with the Goyder River being one of the brightest reds of all. This fish is often confused with the Crimson Spot Rainbow. The name of "trifasciata" literally meaning three lines, is not obvious when the fish is living. And comes from studies done af |
Main Colours: | Red, Gold, Black |
Markings: | Striped Horizontal |
Mouth: | Normal |
Tail: | Forked |
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