Velifera ( Poecilia velifera)

 Ortak İsim
 Bilimsel Adı
 Poecilia velifera
 Orta Amerika
 Sebze ve yosun içerikli pul yemlerle beslenmelidir.Kaynatılmış marul verilebilir.
  7.5 - 8.6
  24C - 28C
 Maksimum Boy
  13 cm
 Anal yüzgeçten erkek dişi ayırımı daha kolay yapılabilir.Anal yüzgeç erkeklerde sivridir.Sırt yüzgeci erkek ve dişi de farklıdır.
 Üretimi kolay bir balıktır.1 erkeğe 3 dişi olarak tutulmalıdır.Tuz arttırımı üretimi kolaylaştırır, yavruların çabuk büyümesini ve balıkların renklenmesini sağlar.

 Ana renkler
 Yeşil, Altın

Family: Poeciliidiae
Distribution: Poecilia velifera, known also as Sailfin Molly, is a benthopelagic, Central American species distributed in the Yucatan-Quintana Roo and lower Usumacinto-Laguna de Terminos systems.   
PH: 8.0
Temperature: 25°C – 28°C (77 – 82F)
Hardness: 13 – 19 dH
Description: Poecilia velifera can reach up to 15 cm in length; females can grow even larger.  It is very similar in appearance to Poecilia latipinna, save for the Sailfin Molly’s dorsal fin markings, which are small, light and round as opposed to dark and rectangular. This beautiful fish has blue-green sides with green, silver or pale blue dots.  The dots are interspersed with dark blue to copper colour bands; these reach down to the caudal fin.  Females have a less intense colouration to males.
Diet: Poecilia velifera can be fed a varied diet of flake, live-food and freeze-dried food.  You should supplement the live and flake food with some plant material to keep it healthy. 
Breeding: Poecilia velifera is a livebearing species and therefore very easy to breed.  You might like to add a little bit of aquarium salt to aid the spawning process.  You can ease the stress on the female by having one male to every three females when attempting to spawn.  Females can store the male’s sperm for a length period of time; multiple sets of fry can be born from one fertilisation.  As with Poecilia sphenops, you should separate the adults from the young fry because they have been known to cannibalise their young.
Comments: This top-middle dwelling species will require at least a 20 gallon tank.  You should provide plenty of plants and hiding places for spawning.  This species will get sick if kept in an entirely salt-free environment; one teaspoon of salt to two gallons of water is sufficient.  Poecilia velifera can tolerate lower temperatures but you should beep the temperature at the measurements listed above.  This species is easy to breed and is therefore highly recommended to beginners.

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