Ortak İsim
Turuncu Chromide
Bilimsel Adı
Etroplus Maculatus
Asya, Batı Hindistan ve Sri Lanka.
Bakımı kolaydır.Her türlü yemi kolayca yer.Genelde dondurulmuş canlı gıdalar, salamura karides, kankurduyla beslenebilir.Protein ağırlıklı tablet ve pul yemlerle beslenebilir.Oldukça uysal olan bu balık için, mineral ağırlıklı piyasada satılan cichlid tuzunu akvaryuma eklemekte fayda vardır.Akvaryumda bol kayalık mağaralar oluşturulmalı ve yumurtlayacağı alanlar için , ters çevrilmiş bir saksı veya birkaç düz kaya konmalıdır.Akvaryumda yüzebileceği geniş alanlar bırakılmalıdır.
20C - 26C
Maksimum   Boy
4 cm
Erkek dişi ayrımı çok zordur.Erkekler daha iridir.Erkeklerin sırt, anal ve kuyruk yüzgeçlerinin kenarları kırmızıdır.
Üretimi zordur.Üretim tankında tuz ekleyerek acı su oluşturmak gerekir. Genellikle yumurtalar düz bir kaya veya bitkilerin geniş yapraklarına bırakılır.Erkek tarafından yumurtalar döllendikten sonra, 3-5 gün içersinde daha güvenli bir yere yumurtalar taşınır.Erkek ve dişi yumurtaların korunması için nöbet tutar.Toplam  200-300 arası yumurta bırakabilir.Yavrular artemia ile beslenmelidir.

Ana renkler
Turuncu, Kahverengi, Siyah

Scientific Name(s): Etroplus maculatus, Chaetodon maculatus
Common Name(s): Orange Chromide, Red Chromide
Family: Cichlidae
Species Type: Asian Cichlids
Maximum Size: 3.5 inches
Life Span: 8 years
Natural Habitat: Asian brackish water rivers and lagoons (India and Sri Lanka)
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Tank Region: All over
Possible Tank Mates: Livebearers, Danios, Celebes Rainbowfish, other Rainbowfish, Chanda, Halfbeaks, Brachygobius.
Description: If the Orange Chromide is keep in fresh water without any salt, their colors will fade, as will their appetites, and they will be subject to fungal infections. The Orange Chromide serves as a cleaner fish for the Banded Chromide. This fish is very sensitive to changes in water chemistry, thus try to perform very frequent, small water changes instead of occasional large ones. This timid fish needs retreats and hiding places in order to develop its attractive colors. There are two common color variations, the original orange strain, and a golden strain. A slightly elongated, oval-shaped fish. The body is yellow to bright orange in color with several rows of small red-orange spots that mark the body. Three, short transverse bars are located near the mid-section of the body. The lower sections of the body may be marked with a large black area. The belly is light orange while the fins are transparent with an orange tint. The fins are close to the body and the tail is slightly forked. The eye is dark and large. The pelvic and anal fin are sometimes black.
Breeding Information: n addition of a small amount of sea water and a slight increase in temperature will help initiate the spawning. 200-300 eggs are laid on previously cleaned rocks, wood, and roots. The black eggs adhere to the surface in short little stems. Both parents guard the eggs with hatch in 3-6 days. The fry are taken to pits where the parents continue their care. The fry attach themselves to the flanks of the parents where they appear to receive some sort of nourishment perhaps similar to Discus. The fry are free-swimming a few days after, and can be raised on Artemia nauplii and roftiers. Be sure to keep an adequate amount of salt in the water so the eggs or the fry are not to suffer from fungal infections. The fry are slow-growing and very sensitive to changes in water conditions. Parental care may continue for up to four months.
Sexing Information: Males have a red edge to their anal dorsal and caudal fins, and generally have brighter colors. These differences are somewhat unreliable.
Diet: Carnivorous - Algae; live; Brine Shrimp, other crustaceans, Tubifex; tablets; flakes; pellets. Feeding this species color-enhancing foods fortified with beta-carotene will bring out its reddish hues.
Temperment: Peaceful community fish
Common Diseases: None specific to species

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