Rock Kribensis (Paralabidochromis SP Rock Kribensis)

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Rock Kribensis, Kaya Krib
Bilimsel Adı
Paralabidochromis SP Rock Kribensis
Afrika, Victoria Gölü
Omnivor(Etçil ve Otçul)

Bakımı kolaydır.Her türlü yemi kolayca yer.Genelde dondurulmuş canlı gıdalar, salamura karides, kankurduyla beslenebilir.Sprulina ve Vegatable yemlerle sebze diyeti eksik edilmemelidir.
Akvaryum bol kayalarla mağaralar oluşturulmalı, bitki olarak Vallisneria, Anubias, java eğreltiotu ve yosun  tarzı sağlam yapraklı bitkiler kullanılmalıdır.
22C - 30C
Maksimum   Boy
12 cm
Erkek kribensis üzerinde damayı andıran bir desen ve anal yüzgeçte, yumurta noktaları mevcuttur.Dişiler ise yatay çizgili güzel bir sarı renge sahiptir.
Ağızda kuluçka yöntemi ile üretim sağlanır.Üretimi kolaydır.Bir erkeğe 3 dişi şeklinde üretim tankında çiftler sağlanmalıdır.Çiftleşme esnasında erkek aşırı agresif olduğu için, tek çif olarak bakılmamalıdır.

Ana renkler
Kırmızı, Sarı, Mavi

Common Names:
Rock Krib




Africa; Lake victoria

Main Ecosystem:
Rift Lake; Though this fish does not come from a rift lake, the ecosystem is the same as for the rift lakes of Africa.

Active; These fish are not overly agressive when not breeding. At breeding time females can become very cranky and chase around the male or even kill him. the opposite may happen. If a tank has several males and only one female the males may kill her and kill each other as well. when noot breeding they make reasonble tankmates to other vic cichlids and even mnubas from the rift lakes 

Ominvore; Like most cichlids the rock krib is not a picky eater. Favorites include spirulina, high quality beef heart mix, krill, plankton, mysis, nori, blood worm ect ect.

Rock Kribs apreciate the same water chemistry as rift lake cichlids. They will benefit from rift lake salt and trace, marine salts and crushed coral is a plus. They will do best in a rocky aquascape with tons of caves. Driftwood and tough plant may be added to help stake out territories.A cluttered tank is best. As to plants anubias work the best as their leaves are almost like leather. you also may have success with java fern and moss which are tender in comparison. Good water changes weekly ar

7 - 8.5

22°C - 30°C

72°F - 86°F

15 dH - 30 dH

Potential Size:
Male: 12cm (4.7")
Female: 12cm (4.7")

Water Region:
Middle, Surface; The Rock Kribensis may be found at 5 to 25 metresbelow the surface.

Unknown; Unknown

Males show much more colors ranging in reds, yellows, and blues. The males also have egg spots on their anal fins. Females, as with many cichlids, are mostly bland but may show some colors on their fins. When young, they have a  ounced checkerboard pattern in brown and yellow, that becomes more of a laterly striped pattern as they grow. As with many males from Lake Victoria, they may also have a crimson flush on their ventral area, that becomes more intense during breeding. 

The rock Kribensis is quite easy to breed. The females will breed about every 6 weeks. They are common mouth brooders, with the famale carrying the eggs for 3-4 weeks, depending on the female and the temperature. As with all Victorian Cichlids, it is a good thing to keep several females to each male. As when the male wants to breed, he becomes overly aggressive, and thus could injure a single female. Heavily stocking works well with these fish to spread out the aggressions. If using a r


The native lake of the Rock Kribensis, Lake Victoria, is currently in biological disaster. Over 150 strains of Victorian cichlids are already extinct in the wild. Some are being kept in existence by caring aquarist, who devote themselves to the preservation of Lake Victorian   cichlids. Lake Victoria is surrounded by Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. This is not a rift lake. The fish that come from this lake are associated with the other rift lakes (Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika) because of the

Main Colours:
Red, Yellow, Blue

Striped And Spotted



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