LEPİSTES ( Poecilia reticulata)

 Ortak İsim
Lepistes (Guppy)
 Bilimsel Adı
 Poecilia reticulata
  Orta Amerika
 Tüm Akvaryumlarda Barışçıl.
  Sebze ile beslenme ve etçil pond ve yaprak yemler verilebilir.
  6.0 - 8.0
 24C - 30C
Maksimum Boy
  6 cm
 Dişi ve erkek ayrımı yapılması kolay bir balıktır.En iyi ayrım, Anal yüzgeci   (gonopodium)' a bakılarak yapılır.Erkeklerin anal yüzgeçleri sivriridir.Genellikle erkekler dişilerden daha renkli ve daha süsülüdür.Dişiler ise daha büyük ve yuvarlak bir gövdeye sahiptir.
 Üretimi kolaydır.Doğal ortamlarında, üretim için hiç bir çaba harcamaya gerek yokyur.Doğumdan sonra yavruların yenmemesi için yüzen bitkilere ihtiyaç vardır.Ebeveyler dahil lepistesler yavrularını yiyebilirler.

 Ana Renkler

Scientific Name:Poecilia reticulata
Other Names: Millions Fish
Family: Poeciliidae
Origin: Central America to Brazil
Adult Size: 2.5 inches (6 cm)
Social: Peaceful
Lifespan: 4 years
Tank Level: Top, Mid dweller
Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallon
Diet: Omnivore, eats a variety of foods
Breeding: Livebearer
Care: Easy
pH: 7.0 - 8.5
Hardness: 10-30 dGH
Temperature: 64-82 F (18-28 C) 

The guppy (also known as the millionfish) is a small colourful species of freshwater tropical fish that is found naturally in the rivers and lakes of South America. There are nearly 300 different types of guppy spread throughout Barbados, Brazil, Guyana, Netherlands Antilles, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.
The guppy is one of the most popular types of aquarium tropical fish in the world as they are small, colourful and easier to keep than many other species of fish. The guppy generally lives from 3 to 5 years old in captivity and slightly less in the wild.
The guppy has been introduced to most other countries mainly as a method of mosquito prevention as the guppy eats the mosquito larva before they are able to fly, therefore slowing down the spread of malaria.
The guppy is an extremely colourful fish and often displays elaborate patterns on it's tail fin. The female guppy and the male guppy can be identified quite easily as the female guppy has a small, patterned tail where the tail of the mail guppy is much longer and generally has fewer markings. The female guppy also tends to be larger in size than the male guppy.
The guppy gives birth to live young, meaning that the eggs are first incubated inside the female guppy and hatch there too. The incubation period of the guppy is about a month after which the female guppy can give birth to up to 100 baby guppies, which are called fry. As soon as they are born, the guppy fry are able to eat and swim around freely. The guppy fry are also able to sense and avoid danger which is important when around older guppies as they often eat the fry. The guppy fry have matured in adult guppies within a couple of months.
After mating just once with a male guppy, the female guppy is able to give birth numerous times. The female guppy stores the sperm of the male guppy inside her and just hours after giving birth to her fry, the female guppy is ready to become pregnant again and will do so using the stored sperm (hence why the guppy is often called the millionfish).
The guppy is an omnivorous animal and eats a wide range of organic matter that is available in the water. The guppy mainly feeds on algae and brine shrimp, and often eat particles of food from the water that have been left by a larger fish.
The guppy has many natural predators in the wild (and in tanks) mainly due to their small size and their elaborate fins often attract unwanted attention. Birds such askingfishers and larger fish are the primary predators of the guppy, so naturally, guppies that are kept in a tank should be kept with other very small fish to prevent them from being eaten.

he active Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish form loose schools and are always on the move. Though they are peaceful community fish and easily kept with other livebearers, they may chase fry and will often nip the fins of the Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish.
   These fish will appreciate an aquarium with fine gravel that is heavily planted along with some floating ferns. This type of vegetation will provide a bit of food for them as well as hiding places for the fry until they are large enough to not be eaten. Most Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish are very tolerant of a wide variety of tank conditions, though the highly inbred specialized species can be more delicate and require more attention.
   Typical of livebearers, The Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish, appreciates the addition of 1 to 1.25 teaspoons of non-iodized salt added to the aquarium water. They are capable of adapting to brackish or saltwater conditions.

What's in the name?
Habitat: Distribution / Background
   The Guppy or Millionsfish are native to Central America and Brazil but now are almost exclusively captive bred.
Selectively bred, they come in all colors and combinations of colors:
   There are far too many varieties of Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish to list here, but let it be said that they come in every color of the rainbow, and often have every color of the rainbow in them!
   There are a lot of different shapes to the fins also. Some of the more common fins shapes are: rounded, pintail, swordtail (upper, lower, and double), flagtail, veiltail, fantail, and triangletail.
   There are fancy guppy organizations that breed and show guppies all over the world.
Scientific Name: Poecilia reticulata
Social Grouping: Pairs - They will not school but can be kept in groups.
IUCN Red List: NE - Not Evaluated or not listed
Fish Keeping Difficulty
Aquarium Hardiness: Very Hardy - This fish is very widely avaiable, however with great disparity in the quality of stock. The extensive finnage of this species makes it susceptible to damage and resulting infection.
Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner
Foods and Feeding
   Since they are omnivorous the Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish will generally eat all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. To keep a good balance give them a high quality flake food everyday. Feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen) or blood worms as a treat.
Diet Type: Omnivore
Flake Food: Yes
Tablet Pellet: Yes
Live foods (fishes, shrimps, worms): Some of Diet
Vegetable Food: Some of Diet
Meaty Food: Some of Diet
Feeding Frequency: Several feedings per day
Aquarium Care
Water Changes: Bi-weekly
Aquarium Setup
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gal (38 L)
Substrate Type: Any
Lighting Needs: Moderate - normal lighting
Temperature: 65.0 - 82.0° F (18.3 - 27.8° C)
Range ph: 7.0-8.5
Hardness Range: 10 - 30 dGH
Brackish: No - This is no brackish fish, however it does seem to appreciate this addition of a little salt in the water. Around 1-1.25 teaspons of aquarium salt should suffice. Removed water should be replaced with salted water, however if the aquarist is topping off due to evaporation freshwater should be used.
Water Movement: Moderate
Water Region: All
Social Behaviors
   The Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish are a good community fish, however they will chase and eat fry, and they are known to nip the fins of the Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish.
Temperament: Peaceful - Although not a schooling fish, this fish is happiest in a group of its own kind. It also makes an excellent community fish and mixes well with most fish tolerant of its prefered water conditions. The exception to this is the Beta fish, which will either suffer fin nipping by the guppy or mistake guppies for another Beta and will attack. In either case, this combination does not usually end well.
Same species - conspecifics: Yes
Peaceful fish (): Safe
Semi-Aggressive: (): Monitor
Shrimps, Crabs, Snails: Safe - not aggressive
Sex: Sexual differences
   The female is larger, more drab in color, and will have a spawning patch at breeding time. The male is smaller, will generally have a longer more colorful tail, and has a gonopodium.
Breeding / Reproduction
   The Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish is easily bred in the aquarium without special attention if well fed and cared for. Provide hiding places or breeding traps for the fry as the parents may chase them. See the description of how to breed livebearers in Breeding Freshwater Fish - Livebearers.
Ease of Breeding: Easy
   The Guppy, Fancy Guppy, or Millionsfish is readily available.

Animal-World References
Freshwater Fish and Plants Tropical Fish ~ Freshwater Fish ~ Aquatic Plants
Author: David Brough. CFS.

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