KRİBENSİS CHİCLİD (Pelvicachromis pulcher)

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Bilimsel Adı
Pelvicachromis Pulcher
Afrika, Nijerya
Omnivor(Etçil ve Otçul)
Bölgeci-Kendi türüne agresif
Bakımı kolaydır.Her türlü yemi kolayca yer.Genelde dondurulmuş canlı gıdalar, salamura karides, kankurduyla beslenebilir.Sebze diyeti yapılması gerekir.Tank kayalardan mağaralar oluşturularak dizayn edilmelidir.Kayalar akvaryumda 2-3 grup şeklinde akvaryumu bölecek şekilde konulmalı, ters saksı veya kütük kullanarak balığın yumurtlayacağı yada saklanacağı yerler oluşturulmalıdır.Bol bitkili bir akvaryum tercih edilmelidir.Kribensis bitki yaprakları ve köklerine zarar vermesede, yumurtlama döneminde iyiy bir kum kum kazıcı olduğundan, bitki köklerini tabandan çıkarabilir.Bu yüzden tavsiye olarak yapay bitkiler tercih edilebilir.
24C - 27C
Maksimum   Boy
10 cm
Erkekler daha parlak renkte ve daha büyüktür.Anal yüzgeci ve kuyrukları dişilerden daha uzundur.Dişilerin karın bölgesinde  yumurtlama döneminde vişne renginde ateş kırmızısı renkleri olur.
Üretimi kolaydır.Üretim için uygun bir genç çift üretim akvaryumuna koyulmalı ve canlı gıdalar, uygun PH ve sıcaklıkta üretim teşvik edilmelidir.Kribensis genelde kaya içindeki mağaralara yada ters döndürülmüş saksı benzeri güven hissettiği yerlere yumurtlar.
Yumurtlama ve döllenmeden sonra, Dişi mağara içinden genelde çıkmaz, erkek ise mağara etrafında koruma amaçlı devriye gezer.2-4 haftalık süreç içinde yavrular oluşur.Yavrular küçük parçalı yemlerle veya ticari olarak satışa sunulmuş yavru yemleri ile beslenmelidir.

Ana renkler
Mor, Kırmızı, Gri

Scientific Name(s): Pelvicachromis pulcher
Common Name(s): Kribensis, krib, nigerian cichlid, purple cichlid
Family: Cichlidae
Species Type: African Cichlids, Other
Maximum Size: 4 inches
Life Span: 5 years
Natural Habitat: Central Africa; found in shallow areas of slow-moving, vegetation choked rivers in the Niger River Delta and other small rivers in South Nigeria. The Krib is found in both brackish and freshwater rivers.
Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons
Tank Region: All over
Possible Tank Mates: Small livebearers, small tetras, cory cats, plecos
Description:The Krib is a fish that is quite easy to keep. They are a very hard fish and tolerant of most water conditions. They come from streams in Africa that run into the Atlantic through Nigeria and other countries bordering, and just beyond bordering the westernmost part of Nigeria. There are actually many different species of fish that fall under the genus Pelvicachromis, the genus that the Krib is a part of. Because of that, you may see fish being sold as kribs from time to time that have different patterns or colors. Because of the streams they come from, it has often been published that they do better with a bit of salt in the water. While it is true that all fish do better with a little bit of salt in the water, it is strongly recommended that you do not make the water brackish for the Krib. Frankly, they don’t live all that much in salty water, and the reason for that is they don’t like it.The rivers they come in are usually on the neutral side and sometimes border on being soft/acid. You’ll find that the Krib can handle most water conditions without problem because of this, though I’d still recommend keeping them in water with a pH above 7.5.Heating is important with the Krib as it is with most all aquarium fish. However, they are not overly demanding of temperature, and will do well in most aquariums that are kept between 70-80° C.Eating is another category that is important for the Krib as with all fish and humans. Fortunately for the Krib, or its owner, this fish readily will eat just about anything you throw at it. I tend to use pellets as cichlids usually spend most of their time near the bottom of the tank and seem to be happier with their food coming to them then having to travel to get their meals.All the keeping aside, the Krib is a beautiful fish. It’s colors are bright and vibrant, especially when the male is ready for breeding. (which is frankly, most of the time) The Krib typically has a bright red line at the top of it’s dorsal fin, that has a sold black strip just below it. The body is stripped with black and white/cream. Tails tend to be yellow on top and purple or white on the bottom. Females have a very purple body and pelvic fins that help to give the impression of a much larger belly than they really have.Truly this is a great fish that I can suggest to anyone based on its color and ease of keeping, but until you’ve breed the fish, you are missing out!Breeding Information: The Kribensis. is one of the easiest fish to breed, and that is probably the reason that they trade so cheaply within the aquarium hobby. I’m convinced that any other fish that was this pretty would be much more expensive if it wasn’t so easy to get so many of them.
Sexing Information: Males are larger with pointed anal, dorsal, and caudal fins. The female is brighter in color and during the spawning season, will develop a deep pink-red to purple belly coloration.
Diet: Omnivorous - Live; crustaceans, insect larvae, aquatic insects, Tubifex, flying insects; flakes; pellets.
Temperment: Generally peaceful but may become territorially aggressive while spawning.
Common Diseases: None specific to species

3 yorum:

  1. Adsız dedi ki...:

    akvaryuma başlayan birisi için hangi tür balık öneriyosunuz

  1. MediRevo dedi ki...:
    Bu yorum yazar tarafından silindi.
  1. MediRevo dedi ki...:

    ben akvaryuma başlangıçta chiclid balıkları ile başlamıştım..öncelikle bana tavsiye edilen yunus,sarı prenses,kadango borleyi ile.Bu işi öğrendikten sonra akvarymumu renklendirdim..bende size chiclid balıkları ile başlamanızı öneririm.

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