KELEBEK CHİCLİD (Anomalochromis Thomasi)

Ortak İsim
Kelebek Cichlid
Bilimsel Adı
Anomalochromis Thomasi
Afrika, Batı Afrika: Sierra Leone ve Liberya.
Bakımı kolaydır.Her türlü yemi kolayca yer.Genelde dondurulmuş canlı gıdalar, salamura karides, kankurduyla beslenebilir.Akvaryumda bol kayalık mağaralar oluşturulmalı ve yumurtlayacağı alanlar için , ters çevrilmiş bir saksı veya birkaç düz kaya konmalıdır.Akvaryumda yüzebileceği geniş alanlar bırakılmalıdır.
23C - 27C
Maksimum   Boy
8 cm
Erkekler dişilerden daha iridir.Dişiler daha parlak renkli, erkekler ise daha koyu renklidir.
Üretimi kolaydır.Üretim için uygun bir genç çift üretim akvaryumuna koyulmalı ve canlı gıdalar, uygun PH(6.1-6.5) ve sıcaklıkta(26-28 C) üretim teşvik edilmelidir.Genellikle yumurtalar düz bir kaya veya bitkilerin geniş yapraklarına bırakılır.Erkek tarafından yumurtalar döllendikten sonra, 3-5 gün içersinde daha güvenli bir yere yumurtalar taşınır.Toplam 300-500 arası yumurta bırakabilir.Yavrular artemia ile beslenmelidir.

Ana renkler

Scientific Name: Anomalochromis thomasi, Hemichromis thomasi, Haplochromis thomasi, Paratilapia thomasi, Pelmatochromis thomasi
Common Name: African Butterfly Cichlid
Family: Cichlidae
Species Type: African Cichlids, Other
Maximum Size: 3 inches
Life Span: 8 years
Natural Habitat: River deltas of Sierra Leone and Liberia
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Tank Region: All over
Possible Tank Mates: Other non aggressive fish with similar water parameter requirements.
Description: The species name thomasi is and carries a patronymic name in honor of it's discoverer N. W. Thomas. The African Butterfly Cichlid made its scientific debut in 1915. Its author, ichthyologist G.A. Boulenger, originally placed it in the genus Paratilapia, which at that time was a heterogenous grouping of African cichlids with few features in common except for superficially similar dentition in their jaws and a reduced number of anal fin spines. It was briefly placed in the genus Hemichromis (Jewel Cichlids) before the scientific name Anomalochromis thomasi became valid in 1989. Anomlaochromis is a monotypic genus - meaning thomasi is the only member. For its size, this species is a surprisingly hearty eater that does best when offered two or three moderate meals daily. The fact that Anomalochromis thomasi does not disturb plants has made it a favourite cichlid in Europe, where Dutch-style planted aquaria are very popular.
Breeding Information: Breeding occurs in pairs. The African Butterfly Cichlid is an egg layer that will spawn more likely with a ph from 7.0 to 7.5 and large, flat stones to lay eggs on. Parents are both excellent guardians but may consume their eggs if kept in a tank that is too small or over crowded.
Sexing Information: Sexing can be difficult but males are sometimes darker in color.
Diet: Carnivorous - Does well with bloodworms, brine shrimp and flakes.
Temperment: Peaceful but a little territorial
Common Diseases: None specific to species.

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